Park and Tree Board
PARK & TREE BOARD NEWS (click for more info)
The Southgate Park and Tree Board is a committee appointed by the Mayor. The committee’s primary duties are to educate the public on the value of trees and gardening, tend to the flower gardens around the Southgate Community Center, choose the Green Thumb award winners to residents who have done an outstanding job in their landscaping, and choose the best Holiday decorations in December. The Board works with the KY Division of Forestry and the National Arbor Day Foundation to educate residents on the importance of properly maintaining the urban forest.
The City of Southgate Park and Tree Board is now accepting new members.
Mary Bridewell, Chairperson
Alex Holtleeson
Emily Ling
Jim Okura
Tim & Erin Costigan
Steve Bridewell, Campbell Co. Extension Liaison
Council Member Liaison: Aileen Okura
Staff Member: Arvil Bowman, Public Works Foreman

The City of Southgate has been awarded the Tree City USA award since 2005. Tree City USA for 18 years and Growth Award for 17 years. Thanks to the Southgate Park & Tree Board for all their hard work!

Hints from Your Park and Tree Board
Growing a garden these days with the increasing deer population is a real challenge. We previously gave you a website which tells which flowers deer like and which ones they do not prefer. See
Now some of you will want to take the challenge to grow plants that deer love such as tomatoes and sunflowers. The picture with the giant sunflower was taken before the deer population was not as prevalent and no deterrent was used. Now you need something to keep the deer away. I have used Deer Scram in the past with success, but it is rather expensive. Ft. Thomas Florist sold me a liquid Deer Stopper which seems to be working well. UK Extension Service suggested trying Bonide Repels All. I have a friend who swears by a mixture of liquid soap and water. What have you had luck with?
Guidelines for Planting Street Trees
Click here for the Guidelines for planting street trees brochure (PDF)

These were the words my granddaughter exclaimed when she saw the zinnias she helped plant. Every spring I buy some zinnia and marigold seeds and get my grandchildren to help me plant them. They get excited when the tiny plants peep through the soil. They help water them and transplant them. The grown plants create their “WOW!” moment. Zinnias and marigolds are not on the deer’s favorite food list and the zinnias draw a lot of butterflies.
You don’t have to wait until spring to teach your child / grandchild about the wonders of nature. Fall is an excellent time to plant spring bulbs. Daffodils are deer safe, but be careful if you plant tulips. Deer love tulips. The Campbell County Extension Service is available to help you with your planting questions. You can reach them at 859-572-2600.

More information to come
Green Thumb Awards
2023 Home Decorating Contest Winners
Thanks to everyone who decorated their homes for the holiday season. Awards were given to the winners at the Community Christmas Party on Dec. 17, 2023. Congratulations to the winners!
Green Thumb Awards
The Park and Tree Board’s Green Thumb Awards run from May through October. Two awards
are given each month to Southgate residents who have made special efforts to add beauty to
their landscape. Please call 859-441-0075 if you have someone you would like to nominate.
2024 Green Thumb Award Winners
May – 109 Electric Ave. & 111 Electric Ave.
June – 117 Center St. & 376 Linden Ave.
July – 137 Bonnie Lynn Terrace & 383 Linden Ave.
2023 Green Thumb Award Winners
May winners: 103 Joyce & 153 North
June winners: 121 Ft. Beech & 110 Tracy Ln.
July winners: 390 Linden Ave. & 72-01 View Terrace
August winners: 246 Bluegrass Ave. & 256 Beech Rd.
Sept. winners: 248 Linden Ave. & 46-03 Woodland Hills
Oct. winners: 128 Bonnie Terrace & 52 Fairway Dr.